
ab -n10 -c10 http://www.babytree.com/index.php

-n请求数 -c并发数 //自己测试的时候,尽量不要写太大

Server Software: nginx //web服务器
Server Hostname: www.babytree.com // 域名
Server Port: 80 //端口

Document Path: /index.php //测试页面
Document Length: 135075 bytes // 页面大小

Concurrency Level: 10 //并发数
Time taken for tests: 3.809 seconds //整个测试持续的时间
Complete requests: 10 //请求数
Failed requests: 8
(Connect: 0, Receive: 0, Length: 8, Exceptions: 0)
Write errors: 0
Total transferred: 1357672 bytes //整个场景中的网络传输量
HTML transferred: 1350032 bytes //整个场景中的html传输量
Requests per second: 2.63 [#/sec] (mean) 每秒钟平均处理的请求数
Time per request: 3809.218 [ms] (mean)每个线程下的一组请求平均消耗时间
Time per request: 380.922 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)//并发的每个请求平均消耗时间
Transfer rate: 348.06 [Kbytes/sec] received //平均每秒网络上的流量,可以帮助排除是否存在网络流量过大导致响应时间延长的问题

Connection Times (ms)
min mean[+/-sd] median max
Connect: 13 22 5.2 21 31
Processing: 1392 2445 877.9 2835 3654
Waiting: 180 230 66.3 211 408
Total: 1405 2468 881.1 2861 3685

Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
50% 2861
66% 2864
75% 2913
80% 3600
90% 3685
95% 3685
98% 3685
99% 3685
100% 3685 (longest request)